Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back on the Wagon!

Ok, so I've fallen off the wagon on blogging alot, Actually there's a few things I've keep falling off the wagon about, but I won't elaborate. But I feel the most important thing is that I get back on the wagon, right? So here I go again . . .

So I'll play catch up from this past weekend, I had a Christmas Party Saturday night for some of my friends, we had the best time, and I drank ALOT, but I enjoyed myself and everyone else seemed to have a good time too! Most of my friends I haven't seen since I've moved back, so it was so nice to see them all! I'll tell you something funny that happened, well alot of funny things happened but the next day Jerry and the kids (they were sleeping upstairs) asked what we broke? And I said broke, nothing got broke and they claimed they heard something fall and break and everyone went whoooooo. I'm like I don't know maybe they broke something and I didn't know about it???? So we looked everywhere for glass, even in the garbage, no luck. Then I went to Tracey's house on Monday (she colored my hair), I told her about it and she said "Yeah something got broke, you're drunk *ss broke it" Leave it to Tracey to tell it like it is! LOL Gotta love her, so yes I broke a martin glass plaque that hung on a wall in my kitchen! Mystery Solved!

So on Sunday morning needless to say I woke up hungover, got sick, took a shower and went back to bed, Jerry got up and him and the kids cleaned up all the dishes and kitchen from the festivities. I got to sleep most the day. Then when I did get up we went to his hanger and we helped him wash and wax his plane. Well let me rephrase that Me and Summer helped the boys played!

Monday I med Tracey for Lunch she did my hair . . . . On Tuesday I met Jerry at the hanger after I dropped the kids off at school and we flew to Okochobee and had breakfast there at there airport, it was the perfect morning there was no wind and Jerry said that's the fastest his plane has ever flown! Ok, so I think I'm caught up for now . . . . I have more christmas shopping to go do!

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